L A Z Y   D A Y Z

THE ISSUE   .    After a Stressful Day, when you need to sooth the aches of the day away.

When thinking about how to tackle a project that was centered around the taboo topic of ‘CANNABIS’ I was initially in shock. At the fact that a real-life industry, was pitching this brief, with the intention of potentially entering this sector. However, when researching both the recreational aspect of the use of cannabis as well as its medicinal benefits. The gains from the different strains of cannabinoid compounds, that can be found in Cannabis, were intriguing to pursue. With the set brief asking me to deliver an original identity for a cannabis-based brand. I created a CBD infused relaxation kit.

 A cheeky yet, medicinal guilty pleasure. For when you reach the end of your day and REQUIRE A PICK ME UP!

a brief set by Delivered By Post
Website   .   https://deliveredbypost.com/
Instagram   .   https://www.instagram.com/deliveredbypost

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